The New Moon in Sagittarius is on December 17th, at 10:31 pm PST.
This is time to restructure your life and build up your backbone. What are the changes you want to make in your life to create long-lasting effects? This moon will highlight your personal structures and have you re-evaluating your views on love, money, and commitments. Take time to get clear about “your beliefs” about these subjects, rather than just accepting what you have been unconsciously believing.
Your beliefs have probably changed over the years and you may be surprised when you strip away all the old ideas you adopted and really listen to your present opinion. Perhaps you are more radical than you thought, or perhaps you are more conservative than you previously believed? As usual, I will give you some questions to get your wheels churning.
This is an innovative time for new ideas to emerge, so allow yourself time to create and think “big picture”. This New Moon delivers a positive outlook on life and assists you to set up positive structures that will support you for the long haul. Aim high today and put your intentions on paper. You might just surprise yourself.
New Moon Questions:
- What are you committed to?
- Where are you lacking commitment in your life?
- What is your relationship to money? (Do you embrace money, hoard it, give it away as fast as it comes, or turn your back to it and neglect it?)
- Do you enjoy your livelihood and feel good about your work?
- What do you want to experience and feel in your close relationships (with your lover, friend, or family member)?
- Write down all the emotions you really want to experience and imagine those feelings as if they are happening now.
On the flip side of the coin, we are still in the dark time of the year. If you are someone who sees between dimensions, walking between worlds can be scary. It is best to stay focused on your inner guidance to navigate shifting realities. Don’t stare at the demons when you stumble upon them, just notice them and keep your eyes on your own path! Let your inner light lead the way. The light is soon to return!
With snowflakes & love,