Solstice Greetings!

December 21st is the darkest night of the year AND it heralds the return of the light (in the Northern Hemisphere). Blessed be. Hallelujah! I’m so ready – Aaaamen! The darkness can feel so gloomy and oppressive and although the coldness is setting in, the light is on the rise. What a gift the Fall has been as we learned to navigate the darkness and make friends with our shadowy nature. It will take time to notice the sun’s re-appearance (we’ve got a few more months of dark nights)… but it is on the up-swing, so give thanks!

As all the major religions have expressed, this is the time of the Messiah’s birth. It is symbolic of the Sun rising again.  It is a time of great spiritual emergence. In a modern day context, I see this as the time to awaken and ground the Christ light within ourselves, what I refer to in my book as our Star Seed.

When we awaken our inner sun we can know the truth, see through illusions, and illuminate our own shadow. I invite you to take time this holiday season to be still and activate your inner light.  If you don’t know how to do this, or want some guidance, check out my 20 min video. It is critical at this time that we ALL know how to liberate ourselves from the fear monster and awaken to our sovereign nature. If you don’t know exactly what I am talking about, please watch the video – we need you to awaken and stand in your sovereign nature and save yourself.

Some ideas to help you ritualize this powerful day:

    1. Light up your house. Use candles, string lights, and get a fire going in your fireplace. Don’t have a fireplace? Go outside and make a bonfire to sit around and tell stories.
    2. Feast. Gather up your loved ones and share some delicious seasonal food. This is a time to comfort each other, get cozy and stay close together.
    3. Set your Intentions. Figure out what structures you desire in the New Year for you to fully thrive. Write it down and share it with your loved ones. (If you missed my last blog on the New Moon, there are some great questions there to get you started.)
    4. Learn to be still. Spend time each day in deep contemplation, or practice being an empty vessel, tune in with the stillness of winter, the perfect silence. Find the place inside you that is perfectly still and present, whole and complete. Rest in that place and allow yourself to be nourished from the inside out.

We live in mythic times. Be your own mythmaker. Activate your divine inheritance, your heroic story, and stand in your power. There is nothing to “do” per se, this is a time to BE yourself and vibrate yourself awake!

May all beings be free!

In service,


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