The Full Moon is in Aquarius on Thursday, August 15th @ 5:29 AM PDT / 8:29 EDT.
The next two weeks highlight our love life and our finances. The full moon energy has you clarifying what you want (and don’t want) in regards to love and money. This energy may put you in a difficult situation if you are already in a relationship as tension may arise from the parts of your love life that aren’t quite working the way you want.
Jealousy and impulsiveness may lead you to make some big changes. Try not to get caught up in the dramas that may ensue and spend time reflecting on your own shadow tendencies and what you might be willing to shift within yourself.
New pathways are opening up and old paths are coming to an end. Lifestyle changes are on the horizon for everyone, whether you want them or not. This can be super uncomfortable if you dislike change. However, if you are ready for greener pastures, this time offers a very fertile new beginning full of hope and big aspirations.
This is a great time to fine-tune your financial goals and make adjustments to your relationships that aren’t quite what you hoped.
Here are some reflection questions to ask yourself this week:
- What big decisions are you being asked to make right now?
- What in your life do you feel is about to change? Name it and track it.
- How can you make new life changes exciting and loving for yourself? What kind of support do you need? What gets you excited about the new change afoot?
- What relationships in your life need adjustments? What is the healthiest way to make those adjustments considering everyone’s needs?
- What steps do you need to take this week to improve your finances?
- What can you do each day to be more kind and patient with yourself? Do you need more rest? More help? More time in nature? Make it happen.
The whole month of August is about clearing the slate for new energy and creating new platforms for your growth and success in all your relationships and your finances. Adjustments are needed. Consider that all the changes happening in your life are conspiring to bring you closer towards your optimal lifestyle, your optimal health, your optimal partner, and your optimal financial status. Even if it is masked in difficult transitions, see if you can imagine whatever you are being dealt with is actually happening as a blessing to take you somewhere more aligned with your true nature.
We are in the midst of being upgraded to a new way of being. New codes of health and prosperity are being dispersed like a meme sweeping the planet. How much love can you handle? Are you open to radical, transcendent change?
If so, you will ride the coming waves like a pro surfer who’s confident and assured and has the right mindset to win the challenge.
After all, life is a game – and you are the designer. You got this!
If you are looking for more guidance and want to learn the secrets to awaken your life purpose, join my online Mystery School course, Take Back Your Power. In it, you will awaken your innate abilities and meet other kindred souls who are the architects of the New Earth. You get to access the course the moment you sign up!
Are you wanting to meet me in person for a mega life reset? Join my Exclusive Pilgrimage & Wildlife Adventure to Discover Your Spiritual Origins & Awaken from the Illusion of Time, November 9th – 13th in Hampi, South India. Click here for all the details.
May you be blessed this full moon and align with your heart’s deepest longings.
With love,