The Super Full Moon is in Virgo on Tuesday @ 7:53 AM PST / 10:53 AM EST.
This full moon might feel like a slap in the face as we are being shocked into a metamorphosis whether we want to change or not. There is a fierceness with this super moon that is asking us to choose our reality. It’s time to level up our discernment and play our unique role.
If you are uncovering truths that now have you confused about reality or questioning your sanity, you are not alone. You may be expanding faster than you can integrate. This is a time to seriously trust your inner workings and learn how to navigate changing realities by yourself, for yourself, and fully trust yourself.
We are shifting from intuitional nudges to a direct instinct primal response. The evolutionary leap is moving us from mind to heart. We are being asked to embody nature’s knowledge rather than contemplate or think through things. When we make this shift into embodiment our life takes the shape of a living mandala.
You know the experience of looking through a kaleidoscope when you see a colorful mandala pattern and then you turn the lens and it shifts into another beautiful and colorful form? That is what our conscious evolution looks like. We are experiencing massive upgrades in our human potential, meta-morphing into a more evolved version of our self. It is beautiful, yet it can feel super awkward when we try to control it. We need time to integrate the new reality as we dissolve and digest the old paradigm.
Here are some ponderings for this super full moon reflection:
- What are you needing to banish from your life? Banishment is a strong stance for many. Do you think it’s too mean or too uncompassionate to banish or expel people from your life? What are you afraid to let go of?
- Do a body scan, what aches, pains and health issues do you experience? Do you know the root cause? Are you committed to your ultimate health and wellness? It not, why not?
- What experience or situation is challenging your view of reality right now? What is your unique perspective of it? Write this down, it’s important!
- How have you been hurting others? Get honest with yourself and ask others if you’re not sure.
- Who or what are you in service to and why? Explore your conviction and dedication to this cause.
- Do you trust yourself? If not, why?
When we are vague, or too soft we often allow incongruences to infiltrate our space causing ever so slight distortions in our field. This full moon is illuminating our shadow and asking us to get more discerning. Discernment is not relying on other’s opinion but tuning in deeply to your own inner guidance.
This Virgo moon highlights our warrior energy. It is helping us to get clear in our alignment to our divine source, to tidy up our spaces, to move forward with our projects and improve our health, wellness, and overall capacity to love ourselves more deeply.
As you sit with this moon’s reflection questions above, take time to journal and take notes. The reality sandwich we are in the midst of requires us to stay grounded and attuned to love, wholeness and our ability to self regulate.
What injustice disturbs you the most? You have a unique perspective and gift to share with the world to eradicate this injustice. Spend time to get clear with your boundaries. Find your focus and trust your instincts. We are on a grand ride.
If you’d like help to develop your unique gifts, check out my Mystery School for Modern Day LIving, Know the Self. My Take Back Your Power course is self-paced and available online so you can access it at any time of the day. Learn how to claim your sovereign nature, honor your unique gifts and fulfill your spiritual mission.
It is time to return to love, return to wholeness, and evolve into who we came here to be.
Walk firmly on your path.
With love,

*Photo by Ahmad Odeh